PSE is one of the partner of « 19th Doctoral Meetings in International Trade and International Finance » to be held in Marseille on 27th and 28th…
2019 “Young researcher in economics” Awards Banque de France Foundation
The Banque de France Foundation awards in 2019 a prize to two young researchers in economics affiliated to a university or a research center located…
La réforme des retraites : enjeux, arbitrages et perspectives
L’Institut des politiques publiques (IPP) vous invite à une grande conférence dédiée à la réforme des retraites le 26 juin prochain à partir de 15h…
Download the flyer of the event (pdf) 9:00 Breakfast and registration Paris School of Economics, Room 2.01 9:20-9:30 Introduction by…
Prix du meilleur jeune économiste 2019
The Cercle des économistes and Le Monde have just awarded the Prix du meilleur jeune économiste 2019 (Best Young Economist Award) to…
Adam Tooze (Columbia University) 22nd May 2019, PSE, 6pm – 8pm
May 22, 2019 – PSE is glad to invite you to a conference by : Adam Tooze Shelby Cullom Davis chair of History at Columbia University and…
Twenty years of euro monetary policy – April 29th 2019
Banque de France – PSE Chair roundtable April 29, 201910:30 am-12:00 pmBanque de France – 31 rue Croix-des-Petits-Champs, 75001 Paris Online…
EDCBA – Economic Decision and Cost Benefit Analysis (MSc)
EDCBA is a Masters of Science (MSc) in economic calculation for investment decisions, applied to sectors of the economy currently in full expansion: planning, energy,…
L’Union Européenne face à la crise migratoire – 28th March – Synapse 1st Conference –
As the European elections approach, Synapse (Paris School of Economics students association) is launching a series of conferences and debates…
Gabriel ZUCMAN, (PSE PhD 2013) – Assistant professor, UC Berkeley
1. Where do you come from? Could you tell us about your education and, in particular, about the track in which you were at the…