Paris School of Economics organizes a conference on global issues each year. The aim of the 2022 conference, entitled “For a Systemic and Humanist Environmental Transition”, will be to launch the PSE – Environment Initiative, which mobilizes all the school toward new research, teaching and public outreach on the environmental transition.
PSE wishes to engage in a multi-dimensional economic approach to environmental issues, which integrates more strongly the behaviors of households and firms, with a focus on an international context, and which takes into account the political constraints and principles of equity that condition the range of possible choices. This implies to commit to covering both the “efficiency” and “equity” aspects of environmental transition. These dimensions cannot be separated in the presence of externalities and constraints on policies linked to the behavior and motivations of individuals and economic actors.
Major themes will be addressed like Sustainable Cities and Sustainable Mobility, Development and Globalization, Energy and Climate, Ethics and Inequality, Political economy and Regulation, Finance and Insurance.
For a Systemic and Humanist Environmental Transition
Dates: From May 11th to 13th, 2022
Venue: PSE – Paris School of Economics
48 boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris
Registration to the “For a Systemic and Humanist Environmental Transition” conference via this link (compulsory)

This event has been funded by a French government subsidy managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the framework of the Investissements d’avenir programme reference ANR-17-EURE-0001.