(From 17 to 21 May) Watch the REStud Tour 2020/21 live

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PSE – Paris School of Economics is pleased to organize, jointly with University of Manchester (UoM) and New Economic School (Moscow, NES), the REStud Tour 2020/21. The event will be held online and broadcast live on YouTube.

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Programme and live access:

Monday 17 May, from 13:45 to 17:00 (UK-BST)

13:45 (UK-BST), Welcome session

14:00 (UK-BST), Masao Fukui (MIT),
“A Theory of Wage Rigidity and Unemployment Fluctuations with On-the-Job Search”,
chaired by: Tobias Broer (PSE)

15:00 (UK-BST), Evan Rose (Microsoft Research),
“Who Gets a Second Chance? Effectiveness and Equity in Supervision of Criminal Offenders”,
chaired by: Camille Hémet (PSE)

16:00 (UK-BST), Claudia Allende (Chicago & Stanford GSB),
“Competition Under Social Interactions and the Design of Education Policies”,
chaired by: Antonio Nicolò (UoM)

Tuesday 18 May, from 14:00 to 18:00 (UK-BST)

14:00 (UK-BST), Victoria Marone (UT Austin)
“Should There Be Vertical Choice in Health Insurance Markets?” (with Adrienne Sabety),
chaired by: Evgeny Yakovlev (NES)

15:00 (UK-BST), Ian Ball (Microsoft Research)
“Scoring Strategic Agents”,
chaired by: Olivier Compte (PSE)

16:00 (UK-BST), Adrien Bilal (Chicago & Harvard)
“The Geography of Unemployment”,
chaired by: Thierry Verdier (PSE)

17:00 (UK-BST), Nano Barahona (Stanford)
“Equilibrium Effects of Food Labeling Policies” (with Cristobal Otero, Sebastian Otero, Joshua Kim),
chaired by: Rachel Griffith (UoM)

Thursday 20 May, from 14:00 to 18:00 (UK-BST)

14:00 (UK-BST), Nina Roussille (UC Berkeley)
“The Central Role of the Ask Gap in Gender Pay Inequality”,
chaired by: James Banks (UoM)

15:00 (UK-BST), Allan Hsiao (MIT)
“Coordination and Commitment in International Climate Action: Evidence from Palm Oil”,
chaired by: Gerhard Toews (NES)

16:00 (UK-BST), Anders Humlum (Chicago)
“Robot Adoption and Labor Market Dynamics”,
chaired by: Karen Macours (PSE)

17:00 (UK-BST), Christina Brown (UC Berkeley)
“Inducing Positive Sorting through Performance Pay: Experimental Evidence from Pakistani Schools” (with Tahir Andrabi),
chaired by: Michele Valsecchi (NES)

Friday 21 May, from 14:00 to 17:00 (UK-BST)

14:00 (UK-BST), Carolyn Stein (MIT)
“Race to the Bottom: Competition and Quality in Science” (with Ryan Hill),
chaired by: Mikhail Drugov (NES)

15:00 (UK-BST), Ludvig Sinander (Northwestern)
“Screening for Breakthroughs” (with Gregorio Curello),
chaired by: Chris Wallace (UoM)

16:00 (UK-BST), Elisa Rubbo (Princeton & Chicago)
“Networks, Phillips Curves, and Monetary Policy”,
chaired by: Ákos Valentinyi (UoM)

17:00 (UK-BST), Close