Vincent Ternisien (Master ETE 2016) – Chargé d’études économiques à l’IEDOM. LinkedIn

Vincent has always mapped his path according to his experiences and desires. Once his scientific baccalaureate is in his pocket, he joined the University of Cergy-Pontoise where he follows, in parallel with his degree (licence) in economics – finance – management, the university diploma «English and Corporate Economics» (DU ECE). These two years encouraged him to turn to research in economics and he continued his studies by joining the Magistère d’Économie of the University Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne, which, for him, ticks all the boxes. At the end of his third year of licence, he follows an internship as a research assistant for the EPPP Chair (1) at the IAE in Paris, an excellent experience that allowed him to soak up very early on the methods of conducting studies and collecting data.
A year later, after having validated his degree (licence) in Econometrics, he pursued within the Master’s degree ETE – Theoretical and Empirical Economics (Université Paris 1, PSE), a demanding but also very enriching course according to him. He wrote his two master thesis under the direction of Pr. Francis Bloch (PSE, Paris 1) and Pr. Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline (PSE, Paris 1), and finally decided, on the advice of the latter, to postpone the start of a thesis. As of May 2016, he was looking for an internship at the end of his studies. To his surprise, he was quickly contacted – he said that the “PSE label” played a key role – and, following an interview, he joined the Economic Research department at Coface for a period of five months as a junior economist. where he will conduct various country risk studies. The internship is a trainer in every way to exceed his expectations and he stopped at that time his choice on positions related to macroeconomics.
Fervent admirer of the work of Pr. Gaël Giraud, then chief economist at the French Development Agency (AFD), Vincent got closer to the institution and found a position of Chargé d’études économiques at the Nouméa agency of the Institut d’émission d’outre-mer (IEOM) as a volunteer in civic service. Also driven by his desire to travel – trading the Parisian metro for the blue lagoon of New Caledonia is a decisive argument – he quickly decided and seized his chance: after several interviews, he joined the IEDOM, not in New-Caledonia, but finally on the island of Mayotte.
Once he had set foot on «l’île aux parfums», Vincent met the “Service à l’économie et communication (SEC)” team, with whom he quickly established strong ties. The experience in Mayotte was rich and stimulating: during his two and a half years of practice, he was in charge of analyzing the economic situation of the island, conducting thematic studies (in particular on the green economy and the economy of the sea) and the edition of an annual report that provided an important insight into its overall economy. His contract having now ended, Vincent plans to go to Guyana where many opportunities are open to him, probably for a position in the public sector, he entrusts us… See you soon to find out!
Edited by Paris School of Economics – Lettre PSE number 39