PSE is launching a series of annual conferences on the new economic and technological challenges, as well as on the new social and ethical standards the whole society is facing. You are invited to the 2019 edition of the PSE Annual Conferences on Global Issues which will focus on “Digital Transformations“:
Registration is compulsory via this link
December 18-19, 2019, PSE – Paris School of Economics, 48 Bd Jourdan – 75014 Paris, Auditorium
Wednesday, December 18th
9:00-9:30 Welcome
Session 1: Smart Cities – chaired by Carine Staropoli (University Paris 1/PSE)
- Carine Staropoli* (University Paris 1/PSE): “Digital transformation of cities at a crossroad”
- Mariona Segú Artés* (RITM Paris Saclay): “Do short-term rental platforms affect housing markets ? Evidence from Airbnb in Barcelona”
- Julie de Brux* (Citizing): “Socio economic evaluation of smart cities – methodological issues and practicies” (to be confirmed)
- Jean-Philippe Tropéano* (University Paris 1/PSE): “Competition and regulation in shared- mobility”
Keynote Lecture: Emmanuel Bacry* (CNRS/Dauphine-PSL): “Data Science: Scientific context and societal issue”
12:30-14:00 Lunch
Session 2: Labour markets – chaired by Dominique Meurs (INED/PSE)
- Dominique Goux (CREST) and Éric Maurin* (EHESS/PSE): “Forty years of Change in Labor Supply and Labor Demand by Skill Level”
- Antoine Bozio (EHESS/PSE), Thomas Breda* (CNRS/PSE) and Malka Guillot (ETH Zürich): “Taxes and technological determinants of wage inequalities: France 1976-2010”
- Éric Maurin (EHESS/PSE) and Sara Signorelli* (EHESS/PSE): “Technological Change and the Decline in Internal Labour Markets”
Session 3: New Data and Economic Analysis
- Gabrielle Demange* (EHESS/PSE): “Transaction data and financial regulation”
- Gilles Saint Paul* (ENS/PSE): “Big data and the end of economic theory”
- Pierre-Yves Geoffard* (CNRS/PSE): “Health economics with open data”
Thursday, December 19th
9:00-9:30 Welcome
Session 4: Technology and productivity – chaired by Ariell Reshef (CNRS/PSE)
- James Harrigan (University of Virginia), Ariell Reshef* (CNRS/PSE) and Farid Toubal (ENS Paris Saclay): “Techies, Trade, and Skill-Biased Productivity”
- Clément Malgouyres* (PSE/IPP): “Technology-induced Trade Shocks ? Evidence from Broadband Expansion in France”
Keynote Lecture: Philippe Aghion* (Collège de France-PSL/PSE): “On the effects of AI and automation on growth and employment”
12:30-14:00 Lunch
Session 5: Big data, public policies and environment – chaired by François Libois (INRA/PSE)
- Justine Knebelmann* (EHESS/PSE), Victor Pouliquen (EHESS/PSE) and Bassirou Sarr (EHESS/PSE): “Bringing property owners into the tax net : avenues of fiscal capacity and local accountability”
- Victor Pouliquen* (EHESS/PSE) and Oyebola Okunogbe (World Bank Group) : “Technology, Taxation and Corruption: Evidence from the Introduction of Electronic Tax Filing”
- Etienne Madinier* (EHESS/PSE) : “Broadband internet access in France and electoral outcomes”
- Irene Hu (University Paris 1/PSE) and François Libois* (INRA/PSE) : “Man overboard: industrial fishing as driver of out-migration in Africa”
15:30-16:30 Table Ronde : Transitions numériques et IA : quelles transformations des entreprises ?
(Panel to be confirmed)
16:30-17:30 Table Ronde : Transitions numériques et IA : quelles transformations des politiques publiques ?
(Panel to be confirmed)
* Speakers
This event has been funded by a French government subsidy managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the framework of the Investissements d’avenir programme reference ANR-17-EURE-0001.