The Banque de France Foundation awards in 2019 a prize to two young researchers in economics affiliated to a university or a research center located in France.
Each award comprises:
A fellowship of EUR 3 000;
A compensation for a partial release from teaching obligations over the next two academic years.1 The Foundation shall offer this financial compensation to the university that provides this teaching release to the laureate. The teaching release cannot be offset by extra hours of lectures or tutorials.
Candidates whose status does not involve lecturing duties (eg: CNRS researchers) will receive only the fellowship of EUR 3 000.
Applicants must:
conduct research projects in green finance, finance, banking or monetary economics;
hold a PhD in economics defended after 31 December 2013 ;
be affiliated to a university or a research center in France;
regarding applicants with teaching obligations, the head of the university research department must agree that a partial release from teaching obligations shall be granted to the candidate in the event that he/she is awarded the Banque de France Foundation “young researcher in economics” Prize.
the deadline to apply is July 14, 2019.
Selected candidates will be notified by October 30, 2019.
How to apply
Application must comprise the following PDF documents:
application form, comprising an overview of research activities. The form is available at, page “Prize young researcher”;
scientific curriculum vitæ;
optional : references letter(s).
Applications should be sent to