Event 7th June 2019

9:00 Breakfast and registration Paris School of Economics, Room 2.01

9:20-9:30 Introduction by Chaire Travail

1. Evaluations of the reforms in Italy and France

 9:30-10:10 Paolo Sestito (Bank of Italy) : An Evaluation of the Italian Jobs Act

10:10-10:30 Thomas Breda (Cnrs, PSE) : A Comparison with the Loi Travail : What Can we Expect ?

2. Theory and Practice of Labor Market Reforms

10:30-11:10 Tommaso Nannicini (Bocconi University, Member of the Italian Parliament) : The Political Economy of the Italian Jobs Act

11:10-11:30 Philippe Askenazy (Cnrs, ENS) : Employment Protection Reforms and the Great Stagnation

11:30 – 11:50 Break + Snacks

3. A Broader Picture : “Labor Market Reforms in the Last Decades : What have we learned and where are we heading ?”

11:50 Andrea Garnero (OECD) : Introduction to the Panel

12:00 -12:40 Panel discussion :

    > Andrea Garnero (OECD) : panel moderator

    > Christine Erhel (CNAM)

    > Selma Mahfouz (DARES)

    > Tommaso Nannicini (Bocconi University, Member of the Italian Parliament)

    > Paolo Sestito (Bank of Italy)

12:40-13:00 Discussion with audience

13:00 Lunch

Registration is free but compulsory (deadline: Friday, May 31st, 2019).